Clan Beo would like to invite you to visit Westport and attend their 2016 National Conference in the Knockranny House Hotel, Westport on 25th February. The theme of the 2016 conference is ‘Show Me The Money’. Speakers on the program will look at the 10 most important issues relating to money that face a person with a disability in 2016.
The conference will take place on 25th February 2016 in Knockranney House Hotel, Westport.
The program will highlight how the 2015 Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) legislation effects relationships between people and their family living with a disability, service providers and ordinary community services. It will include a consideration of best practice around privacy, protection and personal support in relation to money management. Results of research on the types of individualised funding arrangements will be detailed. A choice between 4 workshops in the afternoon will allow service provider staff and management to focus on either;
- how people are supported to prepare for an individualised funding arrangement,
- assisted decision making and money management,
- different paths to employment,
- smart financial planning.
The ‘Show Me The Money’ conference program is designed for people living with a disability, their families, management and staff who work in direct service provision, and people who work in ordinary businesses and services. The speakers have been given a brief to focus on practical ‘how to’ approaches to the money related issues for any person in the community. I would be very much obliged to you if you could let people using your service know about this conference. We look forward to welcoming you to Westport in February.
To book a place at the conference go to EventBrite.ie and search for ‘Show Me The Money’.
Full day tickets cost €80.00 (People with disabilities /Family members €20.00). For more detailed program information and multiple bookings contact 086 4370716 or email: