Final reports of the 'Moving Ahead' project are now available to download. The 'Moving Ahead' Project was a large Health Research Board 'Health Services Award Grant' which explored differences in the rates at which adults with intellectual disability in Ireland are moving to community living options. This research was led by Dr. Christine Linehan (UCD) and was undertaken by a team of researchers including Siobhain O'Doherty and Dr Mimi-Tatlow Golden (TCD), Sarah Craig (HRB), Prof Mike Kerr (Cardiff University), Christy Lynch (KARE), Prof Roy McConkey (University of Ulster) and Prof Anthony Staines (DCU). Four reports are available from the Moving Ahead project: a scoping review of research in this field; a review of recent Irish disability policy; a report presenting the findings from Moving Ahead; and an Executive Summary. You can click on the links below to download all of the final reports of the project.
(1) Executive Summary
(2) Main Report
(3) Scoping Review of Research
(4) Policy Review
A short overview of the Moving Ahead Project and its results is available at the link below:
Moving Ahead Overview