How to make Submissions to Frontline Magazine through the National Federation's Research Sub-Committee

Articles for Submission to Frontline Magazine through the National Federation Research Sub-Committee

Writers’ Guidelines
The Frontline content is designed to appeal a wide readership that includes people with intellectual disabilities and their families, people who work with and support people with intellectual disability from a multitude of professions, and researchers in the field. In writing an article for possible publication in the Journal, please be familiar with the following guidelines.

  • Type of Article - The focus of the Frontline is to inform, explain and provoke debate amongst those who have an interest in intellectual disability. Frontline seeks to balance articles that have a scientific focus with others that are of more general interest. However, the primary driving force behind the journal is its role to inform people about intellectual disability and how that impacts on the individual. The vision of Frontline is that it should make a difference in people’s lives by providing information to which they might not otherwise have access. This may be scientific data, new ways of working or displaying the abilities and achievements of people with intellectual disability. 
  • Readership - As you write, keep your audience in mind (as above, wide readership). 
  • Writing Style - Papers should be accessible, engaging and not overly technical or academic. Generally, a clear, concise, straight-forward writing style, using direct & disability friendly language with a minimum of specialist jargon is recommended. 
  • Abstract – An abstract is not required due to the limited word count. 
  • Font Type – Times New Roman or Arial 
  • Length - An article is typically between 600-700 words (per page). 
  • Graphs and Tables - Graphs and tables should be used sparingly and must be succinct, uncomplicated and accessible (e.g., maximum two illustrations per article). 
  • Text Boxes - A maximum of two to three text boxes can be used throughout the article to break up the text and convey the key points being made. 
  • References – A maximum of three to four references is recommended per article. 
  • Providing the Article - Final submissions should be sent electronically as an attachment to by the relevant closing date. 
  • Timeliness of Article – Please contact for deadline dates.
  • Biographical Data- Papers should be accompanied by a short author biographical note (e.g., name, profession & place of employment). 
  • Cancellation – Written notification is required for cancellation of any article. 
  • Revisions to Article(s) – The National Federation will not be able to accept revisions to the article once it has been received (such as new information, deletion of errors or substitute of current information) but you may resubmit the whole revised article as a new submission.
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