Moving Ahead Reports and Presentations Now available to Download

(04 Nov 2014)

Inclusion Ireland and the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies hosted three ‘Moving Ahead Dissemination’ seminars in three separate locations (Dublin, Cork and Offaly) in November and December 2014.

The three events – which were free to attendees – took an in-depth look at two reports: ‘Moving Ahead – Mapping the National Disability Policy Landscape’ and ‘Moving Ahead – Living Arrangement Options for People with Intellectual Disability: A Scoping Review’.

The Moving Ahead Reports were undertaken as part of the Moving Ahead project, a research study that aimed to examine the role of factors that contribute to the successful transfer of residents with intellectual disabilities from congregated to community-based living arrangements in two regional areas in Ireland. The study was undertaken by a team of researchers from Ireland and the UK, led by Trinity College Dublin. The research was awarded funding from the Health Research Board’s Health Research Awards 2012-2014.

The Rapid Scoping reviews present a summary of key research; in contrast to traditional academic reviews, they do not attempt a comprehensive, formal synthesis of evidence but rather collate findings from a range of approaches, aiming to identify key themes and gaps and to be useful for policy makers (Arksey & O’Malley, 2005). The report does not therefore aim to be comprehensive, but rather to provide a brief overview of evidence in this broad field of study.

The Scoping review commences with pioneering studies that highlighted the poor quality of life experienced in institutions; next, explores the impact on quality of life of moving to the community; and then addresses community living options for people with intellectual disabilities. The preferences of people with disabilities and family members are considered, as are the costs of various living options. The review then turns to key issues in supporting people with intellectual disabilities to enjoy an optimal quality of life.  Next, the review considers the role of organisational factors in deinstitutionalisation. It concludes by noting significant barriers and facilitators that need to be addressed to achieve change in disability services, and by identifying patterns of regional differences in implementing community living, internationally and in Ireland. 

To read the full report click on the following link: ‘Moving Ahead – Living Arrangement Options for People with Intellectual Disability: A Scoping Review’.

Its partner policy review, Mapping the National Intellectual Disability Landscape (Linehan et al., 2014a), outlines current disability services, practices and policies in Ireland. 

Click the following link to download the report:   ‘Moving Ahead – Mapping the National Disability Policy Landscape’ 

The presentations from the Moving Ahead events are available to download below

Personal Life Story 

Paul Alford Self-Advocate representing best practice in personalised supports

Findings from Moving Ahead Project

Christine Linehan, Project Manager, Overview of policy & research in this field

Recommended actions from Moving Ahead  

Christy Lynch - Recommended Actions 

Progress update on Implementation of Congregated Settings Report   

HSE Representative Suzanne Maloney

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