National Federation Pre-Budget Campaign- Budget 2013: A cut too far

(04 Oct 2012)

Pre-Budget Campaign - Budget 2013: A cut too far


1. Disability organisations have experienced substantial budget cuts over the past 4 years. These cuts amount to close to a 15% reduction in funding. Service providers have made every effort to effect these savings, while at the same time protecting essential services.

2. The recently published Value for Money Report on the disability sector does not describe the current situation as it is based on 2009 figures. Significant cuts were made in 2010, 2011 and 2012.

3. Service providers continue to do everything possible to minimise costs and maximise efficiencies. However, sufficient scope for savings from efficiencies that would not impact on services no longer exists.

4. As well as coping with a 3.7% cut in 2012, providers also responded to school leavers without the necessary funding which would normally be provided. This equates to an additional €10 million in service provision.

5. Another cut in the 2013 Budget would be A Cut Too Far. This year has already seen services affected. Any further cuts in Budget 2013
would result in a reduction to essential services, for example respite, residential supports, day services, early intervention and transport.

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