National Federation publishes Assistive Technology Report

(16 Nov 2018)

The National Federation is delighted to announce the publication of its report on the ‘Next Steps –Tech Steps’ conference on Assistive Technoloy, which it hosted earlier this year.


As part of our ongoing commitment to shared learning, this report brings together the information shared at the conference in a concise form, based on the functional areas in which Assistive Technology can support people with ID in their lives.

The conference highlighted the ways that AT can support people in communication, getting around safely, security and improved independence in the home. A key learning point from the day was the significantly reduced and reducing cost of much of the technology, and the potential cost savings that the right technology in the right context can achieve.


In the report you can find practical information on where to go and how to go about finding the right technology. Partnerships with Assistive Technology experts and suppliers that were initiated as part of this work are continuing and will be built on to ensure that people with ID have access to the latest developments and opportunities offered by AT as it evolves.

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