National Federation submission to the Government's 5 year Social Housing Strategy

(31 Jul 2014)

On 14th May, 2014, the Government published “Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector”. The strategy contains 75 Actions in total, and the Department of Environment, Community and Local Government and the Housing Agency are involved in the delivery of a significant number of these.

Under Action 8 of the aforementioned construction strategy, the Government are preparing a 5 year Social Housing Strategy, setting out a vision for the sector. The Housing Agency issued a call for submissions, welcoming input into the development of options for consideration by Government.

As housing is a key priority for the people supported by the member organisations of the National Federation, a submission was prepared and submitted to the consultation, highlighting particular areas of concern that urgently need to be addressed in order for significant progress to be seen in rolling out the National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability 2011-2016 and implementing the Time to Move On from Congregated Settings Report (HSE, 2011).

The National Federation of Voluntary Bodies's Submission to the Government's 5 year Social Housing Strategy, July 2014.


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