National Federation welcomes HSE National Service Plan provisions in relation to disability

(18 Dec 2013)

The National Federation of Voluntary Bodies Providing Services to Persons with Disabilities today welcomed the HSE’s National Service Plan 2014, and the following announcement in the Service Plan in respect of Disability Services: 

  • No cut in baseline funding for Disability Services in 2014;
  • New Directions - Personal Support Services for Adults with Disabilities - reconfiguring day services.  Provide for the emerging needs of the estimated 1,200 additional young people leaving school and Rehabilitation Training Programmes using a newly developed, streamlined approach, and for emergency cases (€10m and 50 WTEs);
  • Progressing Disability Services for Children and Young People (0-18s) Programme. (€4m and 80 WTEs) Engaging in the development of a service framework to support the provision of pre-school services for children with a disability informed by cross-sectoral discussion.

The Service Plan requires the introduction of specific measures to achieve efficiencies through a focused approach to procurement and shared service models as well as the introduction of new and sustainable models of person centred service. Target savings of €5m for section 38 and section 39 agencies.

In relation to compliance with HIQA standards in residential care it was acknowledged that significant capital investment is required.  In response to a question raised today at the launch, Mr. Tony O’Brien, Director General, HSE, replied that while there is no specific capital provision in the Service Plan the matter is being considered by Government in the context of its Construction Industry Stimulus Plan.

Mr. Pat Healy, National Director of Social Care, has provided the presentation made by the Director General Mr. Tony O'Brien at the launch of the Service Plan and a document setting out the key points and additional details in relation to the Social Care division

The following is the weblink to the HSE’s Service Plan 2014

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