The National Federation of Voluntary Bodies was very instrumental in the establishment of an Oireachtas Committee on Disability. The Oireachtast Committee on Disability comprises members of both houses of the Oireachtas together with representatives from the National Federation, DFI, Not for Profit Association and Inclusion Ireland. This group has been working hard with the Committee on a Pre Budget submission for inclusion in the estimates process, in order to highlight the urgent funding requirements to meet the needs of people with disabilities over the coming 5 year period.
The group's attached infographic, which was launched in Leinster House on Tuesday 26th June, 2018, contains the key messages Government will require in order to address the needs of people with disabilities. It calls for a Multi Annual Investment Programme of €211m per annum over the 5 year period 2019-2023, commencing with Budget 2019. This will be essential to addressing current shortfalls and unmet need.