Supporting People with Intellectual Disabilities to Make Decisions

Lessons from the South Australian pilot project on Supported Decision-Making

On 2nd May 2013, a presentation was made to members of the National Federation of Voluntary Bodies by Ms Cher Nicholson from Australia. The theme of the presentation was on supporting people with Intellectual Disabilities to make decisions.  

Cher is a disability advocate who co-ordinated a pilot project on supported decision-making for 20 individuals with a range a disabilities (including autism, brain injury, and intellectual disabilities) run by the Office of the Public Advocate in South Australia which ran from 2010 to 2012.

Cher worked with people with disabilities to set up individual support agreements between supported persons, supporters, and monitors for each agreement, involving families, friends, carers and support workers in the process. This workshop will focus on the practical detail of how to implement supported decision-making at a grassroots level and individuals, family members, support staff and advocates are invited to attend.

There was plenty of opportunity for questions and discussion at the event. Cher will also provide materials on the Australian model for anyone who is interested in piloting a similar model in Ireland. The workshop was free to National Federation Member Organisations. 







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