The Charities Regulator has established a Statutory Consultative Panel on the Governance of Charitable Organisations.

(15 Mar 2017)

The Charities Regulator has established a Statutory Consultative Panel on the Governance of Charitable Organisations.

The Panel will consider how the administration and management of charities can be improved and make recommendations to the Regulator on the development and implementation of governance guidelines, codes of conduct or regulations.

The panel will also consider options and make recommendations to the Charities Regulator on how best to promote compliance by charity trustees with their duty to control and manage charities.

John Farrelly CEO of the Charities Regulator said: "Charities provide essential support and services to the most vulnerable in our society. It is precisely because of the work charities do, that it is so essential to the overall good of our society, as well as to the specific individuals they assist, that every charity is managed properly".

The first meeting of the panel is scheduled to take place on the 30th March 2017. The work of the panel will include a public consultation process and will complete by the end of 2017. Following this, a final report will be prepared for consideration by the Charities Regulators' Board, before being published.

Farrelly further stated "the work of the panel will enable the Charities Regulator to ensure that an appropriate governance framework for charities is put in place. Our intention is that all Charities will comply with the law with the least amount of regulatory burden so that the maximum amount of effort goes into service users and beneficiaries".


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